Wednesday 1 April 2009


This shows what happens when the state grants a private monopoly. When we buy anything we pay to have the packaging etc removed at no extra cost, but the company that do this dictate the volume that they will take (30 litres per family per week) and refuse to issue more bins and wobetide if the rubbish is not correctly sorted. Then they take nothing! All decided on our behalf by people in government who have no idea of the consequences of their decisions.
Two thoughts: machines sort better than humans; a parphrased quote from "the flowers of the Koran" - the more rubbish you can see on the streets , the poorer the land.


  1. Those smaller bins - the wheelie bins - I've heard them called "Otto" bins - I guess that's the manufacturer. i wonder if they are German? We have the identical ones.
    Sydney Daily Photo

  2. Yellow is where you find it! Great photo for theme day (looks like you may have forgetten to copy the html code from the Members area of the CDPB forum and put it in your post for today, so that you are linked to theme day?).
    Seattle just improved its recycling and garbage collection to include food scraps with the yard waste for composting. Our recycling all goes in one bin, unsorted, and is sorted by machine and humans. Very interesting to read what happens when the bins are not packed like the city likes them to be. What a mess to try to sort later.

  3. We have the 'tri' here where we sort bottles, plastic and paper items. Your bins won't be missed in terms of colour. A marvellous bright yellow!

